willscott willscott
  • Joined on 2023-05-09
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willscott opened issue Milliways/camp-2023-orga#51

Get carafe and grounds bin for coffee machine

2023-07-01 20:50:27 +00:00

willscott opened issue Milliways/camp-2023-orga#50

Replace failing parts on rice cooker

2023-07-01 20:50:05 +00:00

willscott opened issue Milliways/camp-2023-orga#49

Replace equipment missing from pixelbar

2023-07-01 20:49:30 +00:00

willscott commented on issue Milliways/camp-2023-orga#29

Buy new kitchen walls

these were measured at storage day. the missing panel is ~2m x 2m if i remember correctly. of a PVC material.

2023-07-01 20:45:52 +00:00

willscott opened issue Milliways/camp-2023-orga#31

Final grocery list

2023-05-14 22:55:14 +00:00

willscott opened issue Milliways/camp-2023-orga#30

Food Handler Certification

2023-05-14 22:53:51 +00:00

willscott commented on issue Milliways/camp-2023-orga#26

Setup Power for the Kitchen

this ticket title specifies power. should we make other tickets for the 'fresh water' and 'waste water' setup work?

2023-05-14 22:52:18 +00:00

willscott commented on issue Milliways/camp-2023-orga#29

Buy new kitchen walls

Do we know the dimensions we need to order?

2023-05-14 22:51:09 +00:00

willscott commented on issue Milliways/camp-2023-orga#20

find a day for a storage day

**July 1st** seems to be the most likely candidate for a full storage day

2023-05-09 13:08:11 +00:00