Lightning Talks

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Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! This time the Timeslot can be 5-15 Minutes.


Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick! To get an idea what Lightning Talks are about and how they work, look at 2019 sessions.


Lightning talk registration is Open! The schedule is still some what fluid at the Moment it looks like the Lightning Talks will Start Day 3 ~1945-2030 please have a look in the most recent Schedule ;)

To participate just enter your information in the Lightning Talk form here Lightning and follow the instructions. There is no registration deadline. We assign timeslots on a first-come, first-served basis, submit your slides as soon as possible. Preliminary slides are okay, but remember to update them before your talk.

If you have any questions, please send a mail to the Lightning Talk team. We speak English and German.

Berlin Hack and Tell

An alternative is the BHNT session with 8 slots a 5 minutes which is also lightning talk style.

Powerpoint Karaoke

The Lightning Talks will evolve into the Powerpoint Karaoke later in the evening depending on how many Speaker we'll get /index.php?title=Powerpoint_Karaoke