import 'jquery'; import 'bootstrap'; import 'jquery-form' import {ConfirmDialog, Dialog} from './confirm-modal.js'; jQuery = window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery'); var cbor = require('cbor-web'); var forge = require('node-forge'); var QRCode = require("qrcode-svg"); var pki = require('node-forge/lib/pki'); var asn1 = require('node-forge/lib/asn1'); var pkcs12 = require('node-forge/lib/pkcs12'); var util = require('node-forge/lib/util'); import SimpleFormSubmit from "simple-form-submit"; const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document); const $$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document); window.CBOR = cbor; /* Convert an ArrayBuffer into a string from */ function ab2str(buf) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buf)); } function randBase32() { // src: RFC4648 const alphabet = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y','Z','2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']; var result = ''; var buf = new Uint8Array(1); for ( var i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { window.crypto.getRandomValues(buf); var rand_val = buf[0] & 31; result += alphabet[rand_val]; } return result; } window.ConfirmDialog = ConfirmDialog; window.Dialog = Dialog; window.$(document).ready(function () { $('#sidebarCollapse').onclick = function () { $('nav.sidebar').classList.toggle('d-none'); }; }); window.admin = { registration: { delete: function(href, username) { var dialog = new ConfirmDialog('Reject user registration', `Are you sure to reject the registration request from "${username}"?`);>{ fetch(href, { method: 'DELETE' }); }); return false; }, accept: function(href, username) { var dialog = new ConfirmDialog('Accept user registration', `Are you sure to accept the registration request from "${username}"?`);>{ fetch(href, { method: 'PUT' }).then(()=>{ location.reload(); }); }); return false; } } }; window.auth = { sign_up: { submit: function(form) { SimpleFormSubmit.submitForm(form.action, form) .then(response =>{ response.json().then(function(data) { if (data.errors) { var msg =''; new Dialog('Registration Error', `Error Happend: ${msg}`).show() } else { new Dialog('Registration successfully', 'Wait until an administrator has aproved your account').show(); } }); }); return false; } } }; window.totp = { init_list: function(){ }, init_new: function() { //create new TOTP secret, create qrcode and ask for token. var form = $('form'); var secret = randBase32(); var input_secret = form.querySelector('#secret') if(input_secret.value == '') { input_secret.value = secret; } form.querySelector('#name').onchange=window.totp.generate_qrcode; form.querySelector('#name').onkeyup=window.totp.generate_qrcode; window.totp.generate_qrcode(); }, generate_qrcode: function(){ var form = $('form'); var secret = form.querySelector('#secret').value; var name = form.querySelector('#name').value; var issuer = 'Lenticular%20Cloud'; var svg_container = $('#svg-container') var svg = new QRCode(`otpauth://totp/${issuer}:${name}?secret=${secret}&issuer=${issuer}`).svg(); var svg_xml =new DOMParser().parseFromString(svg,'text/xml') if(svg_container.childNodes.length > 0) { svg_container.childNodes[0].replaceWith(svg_xml.childNodes[0]) } else { svg_container.appendChild(svg_xml.childNodes[0]); } // .innerHtml=svg; } } window.fido2 = { init: function() { } } window.password_change= { init: function(){ var form = $('form'); form.onsubmit = function () { SimpleFormSubmit.submitForm(form.action, form) .then(response =>{ response.json().then(function(data) { if (data.errors) { var msg =''; new Dialog('Password change Error', `Error Happend: ${msg}`).show() } else { new Dialog('Password changed', 'Password changed successfully!').show(); } }); }); return false; } } } window.oauth2_token = { revoke: function(href, id){ var dialog = new ConfirmDialog('Revoke client tokens', `Are you sure to revoke all tokens from client "${id}"?`);>{ fetch(href, { method: 'DELETE' }); }); return false; } } window.client_cert = { init_list: function() { // do fancy cert stats stuff }, init_new: function() { // create localy key or import public key var form = $('form#gen-key-form'); }, generate_private_key: function() { var form = $('form#gen-key-form'); var key_size = form.querySelector('#key-size').value; var valid_time = form.querySelector('input[name=valid_time]').value; $('button#generate-key').style['display'] = 'none'; pki.rsa.generateKeyPair({bits: key_size, workers: 2}, function(err, keypair) { console.log(keypair); //returns the exported key to a hidden form var form_sign_key = $('#gen-key-sign form'); form_sign_key.querySelector('textarea[name=publickey]').value = pki.publicKeyToPem(keypair.publicKey); form_sign_key.querySelector('input[name=valid_time]').value = valid_time; SimpleFormSubmit.submitForm(form_sign_key.action, form_sign_key) .then(response => { response.json().then( response => { if (data.errors) { var msg =''; new Dialog('Password change Error', `Error Happend: ${msg}`).show() } else { // get certificate var data =; var certs = [ pki.certificateFromPem(data.cert), pki.certificateFromPem(data.ca_cert) ]; var password = form.querySelector('#cert-password').value; var p12Asn1; if (password == '') { p12Asn1 = pkcs12.toPkcs12Asn1(keypair.privateKey, certs, null, {algorithm: '3des'}); // without password } else { p12Asn1 = pkcs12.toPkcs12Asn1(keypair.privateKey, certs, password, {algorithm: '3des'}); // without password } var p12Der = asn1.toDer(p12Asn1).getBytes(); var p12b64 = util.encode64(p12Der); var button = $('#save-button'); button.href= "data:application/x-pkcs12;base64," + p12b64['display'] ='block'; //new Dialog('Password changed', 'Password changed successfully!').show(); } }); }); }); }, revoke_certificate: function(href, id){ var dialog = new ConfirmDialog('Revoke client certificate', `Are you sure to revoke the certificate with the fingerprint ${id}?`);>{ fetch(href, { method: 'DELETE' }); }); return false; } };