
341 lines
7.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"use strict";
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
import Map from 'ol/Map.js';
import WebGLMap from 'ol/WebGLMap.js';
import {WEBGL} from 'ol/has.js'
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
import View from 'ol/View.js';
2019-07-23 16:53:58 +00:00
import {defaults as defaultControls, Attribution as AttributionControl, ScaleLine as ScaleLineControl} from 'ol/control.js';
import MessureControl from './MessureControl.js';
import LayerSwitcher from 'ol-layerswitcher';
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
import {all as allStrategy} from 'ol/loadingstrategy';
import {bbox as bboxStrategy} from 'ol/loadingstrategy.js';
import LayerGroup from 'ol/layer/Group';
import LayerImage from 'ol/layer/Image';
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
import TileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile';
import OSM from 'ol/source/OSM.js';
import XYZ from 'ol/source/XYZ';
import {fromLonLat, toLonLat} from 'ol/proj.js';
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector.js';
import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector.js';
import VectorTileLayer from 'ol/layer/VectorTile.js';
import VectorTileSource from 'ol/source/VectorTile.js';
import OSMXML from 'ol/format/OSMXML.js';
2019-07-09 21:54:57 +00:00
import {Circle as CircleStyle, Fill, Stroke, Style, Text} from 'ol/style.js';
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
const coordinate_cccamp19 = fromLonLat([13.30735, 53.03127]);
var MapClass;
2019-07-20 12:33:10 +00:00
if (WEBGL && false) {
MapClass = WebGLMap;
} else {
MapClass = Map;
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
var styles = {
'amenity': {
'parking': new Style({
stroke: new Stroke({
color: 'rgba(170, 170, 170, 1.0)',
width: 1
fill: new Fill({
color: 'rgba(170, 170, 170, 0.3)'
'building': {
'.*': new Style({
zIndex: 100,
stroke: new Stroke({
color: 'rgba(246, 99, 79, 1.0)',
width: 1
fill: new Fill({
color: 'rgba(246, 99, 79, 0.3)'
2019-07-09 21:54:57 +00:00
text: new Text({
font: '12px Calibri,sans-serif',
fill: new Fill({
color: '#000'
stroke: new Stroke({
color: '#fff',
width: 3
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
'highway': {
'service': new Style({
stroke: new Stroke({
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)',
width: 2
'.*': new Style({
stroke: new Stroke({
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)',
width: 3
'landuse': {
'forest|grass|allotments': new Style({
stroke: new Stroke({
2019-07-09 21:54:57 +00:00
color: 'rgba(0, 0, 170, 1.0)',
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
width: 1
fill: new Fill({
2019-07-09 21:54:57 +00:00
color: 'rgba(0, 0, 170, 0.3)'
text: new Text({
font: '12px Calibri,sans-serif',
fill: new Fill({
color: '#000'
stroke: new Stroke({
color: '#fff',
width: 3
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
'natural': {
'tree': new Style({
image: new CircleStyle({
radius: 2,
fill: new Fill({
color: 'rgba(140, 208, 95, 1.0)'
stroke: null
2019-07-09 21:54:57 +00:00
'name': {
'.*': new Style({
text: new Text({
font: '12px Calibri,sans-serif',
fill: new Fill({
color: '#000'
stroke: new Stroke({
color: '#fff',
width: 3
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
2019-07-09 22:12:45 +00:00
var vectorSource = new VectorSource({
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
format: new OSMXML(),
url: '',
strategy: allStrategy,
attributions: '&#169;<a href="">Milliways</a>',
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
2019-07-23 16:53:58 +00:00
var messureSource = new VectorSource();
var messureLayer = new VectorLayer({
title: 'Messure',
source: messureSource,
style: new Style({
fill: new Fill({
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'
stroke: new Stroke({
color: '#ffcc33',
width: 2
image: new CircleStyle({
radius: 7,
fill: new Fill({
color: '#ffcc33'
2019-07-22 17:35:01 +00:00
var orthoLayer = new TileLayer({
title: 'Ortho Imagery',
type: 'base',
source: new XYZ({
url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg',
maxZoom: 22,
minZoom: 14,
attributions: 'Bianco Veigel & Rene Hansen',
attributionsCollapsible: false,
var vectorLayer = new VectorLayer({
title: 'Milliways Overlay',
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
source: vectorSource,
style: function(feature) {
for (var key in styles) {
var value = feature.get(key);
if (value !== undefined) {
for (var regexp in styles[key]) {
if (new RegExp(regexp).test(value)) {
2019-07-09 21:54:57 +00:00
var style = styles[key][regexp];
2019-07-09 22:03:35 +00:00
var text = feature.get('name');
if(text !== undefined ) {
2019-07-09 21:54:57 +00:00
if(feature.get('size') !== undefined) {
text += '\n' + feature.get('size');
2019-07-09 22:03:35 +00:00
2019-07-09 21:54:57 +00:00
return style;
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
return null;
var osmLayer = new TileLayer({
title: 'OSM',
type: 'base',
source: new OSM()
var map = new MapClass({
target: 'map',
controls: defaultControls().extend([
2019-07-23 16:53:58 +00:00
new LayerSwitcher(),
new ScaleLineControl(),
new MessureControl({ source: messureSource}),
numZoomLevels: 19,
units: 'm',
layers: [
new LayerGroup({
title: 'Base Layers',
layers: [
2019-07-22 17:35:01 +00:00
new LayerGroup({
title: 'overlays',
layers: [
2019-07-23 16:53:58 +00:00
view: new View({
center: coordinate_cccamp19,
zoom: 17
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
function parseURL(url) {
var parser = document.createElement('a'),
searchObject = {},
queries, split, i;
// Let the browser do the work
parser.href = url;
// Convert query string to object
queries =^\?/, '').split('&');
for( i = 0; i < queries.length; i++ ) {
split = queries[i].split('=');
2019-07-22 17:35:01 +00:00
if(searchObject[split[0]]) {
if(!Array.isArray(searchObject[split[0]])) {
searchObject[split[0]] = [searchObject[split[0]]];
} else {
searchObject[split[0]] = decodeURI(split[1]);
return {
pathname: parser.pathname,
searchObject: searchObject,
hash: parser.hash
// start show coordinate in param and pars it [[[
function generateHash(info) {
var params=[]
for( var param in info.searchObject) {
if(param!='') {
2019-07-22 17:35:01 +00:00
info.searchObject[param].map(function(value) {
} else {
return `#${info.pathname}?${params.join('&')}`;
2019-07-22 17:35:01 +00:00
var layers = [orthoLayer, osmLayer, vectorLayer];
var hash_info;
var coordinate_parser = /^(\d+)\/(-?\d*\.?\d*)\/(-?\d*\.?\d*)/;
2019-07-22 17:35:01 +00:00
function parseHash() {
if( hash_info.searchObject['map'] && coordinate_parser.test(hash_info.searchObject['map'])){
var map_info = coordinate_parser.exec(hash_info.searchObject['map']);
map.getView().setCenter(fromLonLat([Number(map_info[3]), Number(map_info[2])]));
2019-07-22 17:35:01 +00:00
if( hash_info.searchObject['layer']) {
var _layers = hash_info.searchObject['layer'];
if(!Array.isArray(_layers)) {
_layers = [_layers];
_layers.indexOf(layer.get('title')) >=0
2019-07-22 17:35:01 +00:00
window.onhashchange = function() {
2019-07-22 17:35:01 +00:00
map.on("moveend", function(evt){
var map =;
var [lon, lat] = toLonLat(map.getView().getCenter());
var zoom = map.getView().getZoom();
hash_info.searchObject['map'] = `${zoom}/${lat}/${lon}`;
location.hash = generateHash(hash_info);
2019-07-22 17:35:01 +00:00
// map types{
var _layers = []; {
hash_info.searchObject['layer'] = _layers;
location.hash = generateHash(hash_info);
// end coordinate parser ]]]
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00
2019-07-22 17:35:01 +00:00
document.Map = map;
2019-07-09 19:51:30 +00:00